Lumber Sales, Inc. has been in business as a
wholesale distributor specializing in western
red cedar shakes and shingles since 1973. With
distribution centers in Birmingham, Alabama
and Knoxville, Tennessee, we are able to service
the needs of the Eastern United States. We stock
a full line of Certi-Labeled products for roofing
and siding use, including the Certi-Guard cedar
shakes with a type of fire retardant treatment
and those with a type of pressure preservative
treatment. If you visit our web page you will
see a version of each of these types. Certi-SplitŪ
handsplit cedar shakes have split faces and
sawn backs. The logs are first cut into desired
lengths. Blanks or boards of proper thickness
are split and then run diagonally through a
bandsaw to produce 2 tapered shapes from each
blank. They are available in Premium class (100%
edge grain) or Number 1 Grade (Up to 20% flat
grain allowed in each bundle). The number 1
blue labelŪ premium grade of shingles is for
roofs and sidewalls. These top-grade shingles
are 100% heartwood, 100% clear and 100% edge
grain. They are available in 16 inch or 18 inch
or 24 inch lengths. Print out a copy of the
details on each shake and shingle to have for
reference when you go to buy.
